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You are cordially invited to attend the 2012 Southeast Horn Workshop, to be held in Cookeville, Tennessee. Dr. Jeremy Hansen, Assistant Professor of Horn at Tennessee Tech University, is pleased to announce this event and invites attendees, presenters, and performers to take part. I hope that you will join me and my studio in enjoying this weekend of masterclasses, performances, competitions, and more.

We invite you to mark your calendar and include us in your plans as we continue to schedule events. As this site is updated in the coming months, check this page often for additional updates! If you have any further questions I may answer, please e-mail me.

Featured artists will include:

Collegiate Honors Horn Choir

The 2012 Collegiate Honors Horn Choir will be directed by Douglas Hill. Professors: please nominate one exceptional undergraduate student for this choir by e-mail to Jeremy Hansen.

A Call for Performers, Presenters and Exhibitors

The 2012 Southeast Horn Workshop is looking for performers, presenters and exhibitors. Please see the information on the schedule, master class, and exhibitors pages and get yourself on the schedule!

Announcements & Updates

Pre-registration has ended; please register on-site
Schedule updated
One more confirmed exhibitor
Competition registration deadline extended
2012 Workshop Flyer available
Lodging recommendations available
Nominations needed for Collegiate Honors Horn Choir
Featured artists announced