This schedule is subject to change.
8:30 am |
Preliminary round, Solo Competition, HMU 110. |
Preliminary round, High Horn Mock Auditions, HMU 088. |
Preliminary round, Low Horn Mock Auditions, HMU 125. |
Preliminary round, Horn Quartet Competition, LRH. |
10:30 am |
“Hyperflexibility: an embouchure clinic on design, training, maintanence, feeding, etc.” with Dennis Edelbrock, LRH. |
12:30 pm |
Opening Concert featuring the U.S. Army Brass Quintet, OMH. |
2:30 pm |
Master Class with Richard Watkins & David Ohanian, DRH. |
Master Class with Michael Thompson & Skip Snead, LRH. |
3:45 pm |
Regional Artist Recital, OMH. |
“T’ai Chi for Horn Players: An Introduction” with Rebecca Dodson-Webster, HMU 111. |
5:00 pm |
Regional Artist Recital, DRH. |
“Playing the Horn: Essential Concepts” with William C. Robinson, LRH. |
8:00 pm |
Concert featuring the TransAtlantic Horn Quartet and Arkady Shilkloper, OMH. |
Post-Concert |
Open ensemble reading for Adult Amateurs, HMU 088. |
Open ensemble reading for Natural Horn Players, HMU 110. |
Open ensemble reading featuring music from Emerson Horn Editions, HMU 111. |
Open ensemble reading, HMU 125 & 126. |
9:00 am |
Final Round, Quartet Competition, OMH. |
High School Solo Competition, DRH. |
“T’ai Chi for Horn Players: Review & Part 2” with Rebecca Dodson-Webster, HMU 088. |
Morning Warm-ups, HMU 111. |
Morning Warm-ups for Middle & High School Students with William C. Robinson, HMU 110. |
Band Director Workshop: “Horn Basics,” HMU 125. |
10:00 am |
“Maintenance, Special, and Daily Routines for the horn” with William Capps, HMU 110. |
“What Happens During a Screwbell Conversion” with Stuart de Haro, LRH. |
11:00 am |
Regional Artist Recital, OMH. |
“A Career in the Military” with the Army Brass Quintet, LRH. |
1:00 pm |
Concert featuring soloists from the TransAtlantic Horn Quartet, OMH. |
2:30 pm |
Final Round, College Solo Competition, DRH. |
“Care & Maintenance for the Horn that you didn’t learn from the first two pages of your middle school band method book” with Stuart de Haro, HMU 110. |
Band Director Workshop: “Tips to Tackle Major Band Horn Licks: How even a ‘horn challenged’ band director can help a horn section sound great” with Lisa Bontrager & David Hedgecoth, HMU 111. |
3:30 pm |
Final Round, Mock Auditions, OMH. |
Adult Amateur Master Class with the TransAtlantic Horn Quartet, DRH. |
High School Master Class with Rick Lee, LRH. |
Middle School Master Class with William C. Robinson, HMU 110. |
“Embouchure Troubleshooting” with Karen Schneider, HMU 111. |
5:00 pm |
Banquet Honoring William Capps, Oglesby Union Banquet Hall. |
8:00 pm |
Concert. FSU Brass Showcase Presents: Playing with Fire, RDA. |
Post-Concert |
Open ensemble reading for Adult Amateurs, HMU 110. |
Open ensemble reading for High School Students, HMU 088. |
Open ensemble reading for College Students, HMU 111. |
Open ensemble reading, KMU 240, HMU 125 & 126. |