About the Webmaster
Greg Campbell is currently pursuing a master’s degree in horn performance from Florida State University. He received the bachelor of music degree in 2001 from The University of Georgia. Since the Southeast Horn Workshop has curiously followed him from one school to another school, he has the pleasure of being the webmaster for the 2004 Workshop in Tallahassee; he previously was webmaster for the 2001 workshop in Athens.
Although considering technology primarily a hobby, Greg has enjoyed learning more about web design and now considers himself quite capable at HTML and CSS, and because of the 2004 workshop, has begun learning to use PHP and MySQL. Greg currently focuses his web-design efforts on designing websites compliant with current W3C recommandations, including the guidelines from the Web Accessibility Initiative. As a result, his pages as best viewed visually in newer, standards-compliant browsers, but deprecate gracefully so that content is readable in most older browsers.
Greg must also recognize his brother Jeff Campbell, currently in the graphic design program at the Pratt Institute. Greg helped his brother in the past to create the beautiful website for David Grossman Fine Custom Furniture. In addition to the portrait of the webmaster on this page, the logo for the 2004 Southeast Horn Workshop was designed by Jeff Campbell and he was consulted extensively in matters of visual design for this site. If you are interested in his work, visit his portfolio at Rectagon.